1. 在捷克科学院参加的科学展览会上,将西藏作为一个“国家”宣传是一种严重分裂中国的行为,作为中国人,我是坚决不能容忍的。
2. 捷克科学院作为科研机构其主要责任是知识生产和传播,其发布和传播的信息应该是严谨客观的。利用科学的权威性和公正性为分裂一个主权国家(藏独)做舆论宣传是不可接受的。让科学为如此肮脏的政治背书是不可能被科学界所允许的。这是对科学家权益的侵犯。
3. 此次博览会面向儿童,用错误的宣传来误导儿童,影响其世界观的形成,是为有良知人所憎恶的。而这发生在六一儿童节期间!这是对儿童权益的无视和对人类良知的肆意践踏。
6月2号到4号的科学博览会由Veletrh vědy(译为科学公正)组织,捷克科学院参与。本人一直对于西方如何做科学普及很感兴趣,所以在六月四日中午到达布拉格PVA EXPO PRAHA展览中心去看个究竟。
我决定写一封致捷克科学院员工的公开信,并在6月6日早上发出到捷克科学院的三个园区(预计收信人数达 1000+)——毕竟我们科学家也是此次事件的受害者,被人当枪使了,我需要通知他们。与此同时我把这封邮件抄送使馆。内容如下:
Dear all my colleagues from Czech Academy of Sciences,
I am XXX(隐去)from Institute of physics of Czech Academy of Sciences, working in ELI Beamlines.
I would like to ask for an explanation from AV CR about the Nazism activity of the Oriental Institute of the CASin PVA EXPO PRAHAhappened last week.
Last Saturday, I went to PVA EXPO PRAHA and I want to know how the Czech Academy of Sciences shows science to the publics in this country. I am very happy and excited about the things I learn from the real scientists until I find the booth of the Oriental Institute.
First, they show the Czech children that they want to separate Tibet from China. I condemn this activity that they conduct politics rather than real social science. Because Hitler did the same thing to Czechoslovakia in 1938 about the Sudetenland region. Only Nazis conduct activities like this.
Second, I think what they want to do is to portray the Chinese people are evil and this would the reason why we occupy the Tibet from the mind of some people working in AV CR. So in their eyes, we Chinese are not decent (Despite the fact that the Tibet people and the Han Chinese are related. As you may know, there is a Sino-Tibetan language system. Around 1400 years ago, the Emperor of Tang dynasty sent his daughter for the marriage with the king of Tibet) I think spread hatred based on lies to children against certain nation and ethnic group is not proper activity of Czech Academy of Sciences. This is exactly what Hitler did to the Jews and other people here in Europe and his Japanese allies did somewhere else in WWII time.
Third, to be very frankly, if we China lose Tibet, from the geopolitical point of view, the neo-Nazis would like to put nuclear missiles on it and target at us from there. So they can easily conduct a genocide to all the Chinese people including the Tibetans because several big cities in China are very close the east edge of Tibet plateau, for instance Chengdu and Lanzhou within 200 km, Xi’an and Chongqing within 500 km. Or they can just use biological weapons and chemical weapons and put them in the big rivers originate from Tibet plateau. I suppose separating Tibet is just the very first step to this evil goal. As you all know, the racists conducted this kind of activities in north and South American and Australia not long ago, i.e. no more than 300 years. I would like to know whether AV CR supports genocides in general.
Fourth, Dalai Lama was the largest slave owner in Tibet before He fled to the west. The reason for his flea is that the Chinese government want to abolish slavery, and he is afraid to be punished at that time. I want to know whether AV CR supports slavery. By the way, the Chinese people offer Dalai Lama a lifelong chance to make up for his treachery.
Fifth, trying to separate Tibet has a large chance to initialize World War Three, I would like to know whether AV CR and Czech government want to have new world war. Hitler likes wars. Does AV CR hate peace? It is not enough for the people living in the terror of war, like the Ukrainians and the Muslims?
As a Chinese employee in AV CR, I request an official explanation from AV CR and Czech government that whether they support Nazis, racism, slavery, genocide and colonialism, whether they want WWIII.
The Czech Academy of Sciences should not only explain to the Chinese researchers and students here, but also to all the scientists working in AV CR and Czech Republic from other countries that suffered from Nazism, racism, slavery and colonialism in the past 500 years.
I will make a copy of this email to the Chinese embassy in Prague. I would like to ask the Czech government to explain and apologize for this Nazism behavior to the Chinese people. I also urge AV CR remove those neo-Nazis in their agency.
I and other scientists are very decent people. I am very suspicious whether the global scientific community is happy with what the AV CR did last weekend in PVA EXPO PRAHA. We really want to know whether AV CR is a decent academic agency to work with, or in general whether Czech Republic is a decent place for conducting scientific research.
With Respect
Yours sincerely
"Jste nacisti!" Čínskývýzkumník Akademie věd napadl kolegy kvůli fotce dalajlamy - Aktuálně.cz (aktualne.cz)

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