Harley Bui
1000 years of Chinese rule
over 50 years of french rule.
20 years fighting against america
20 years suffer from america’s embargo
I’m Vietnamese but I don’t think we are smart. Here’s why I don’t think we are smart:
1.When foreigners tell us they bought something from Vietnam, Vietnamese always say “You got ripped off, I can get it for cheaper”.
Well.. what can I say, they are duing their own products and create impression that people can spend as least as possible in Vietnam. No wonder why Vietnamese tourism ministry keeps complaining that tourists spend lower in Vietnam than other countries ($8 billion vs Thailand’s $52 billion!!! And even countries with less tourists earned more than Vietnam, for example Indonesia at $15 bln!!!). This is unlike other people who are smarter than us, for example, the Thai, they really know how to get money from tourists well.
嗯. .我能说什么呢,他们正在贬低自己的产品,并制造出人们可以在越南尽可能少花钱的印象。
2. When selling things, Vietnamese always want to sell for cheaper price than competitor. But this makes everyone’s price goes down and everyone gets lower profit, especially when they’re selling the same things.
When I was in Thailand, all vendors sold at roughly the same price. No one played dirty and went half price on the others. Even taxi drivers were consistent in the way they ripped people off. Tourists had no choice but pay for an overpriced tuk tuk. More money for Thailand.
3.Vietnamese nationalism is really stupid. It is misplaced nationalism. Does Vietnamese nationalism help Vietnamese? No not really, Vietnamese still watch Chinese movies (while protesting Chinese technology and businesses which some are good for Vietnam), drive Japanese cars, wear American brands, listen to Korean music. Meanwhile Vietnamese nationalism goes crazy and create fake news, rioting and protesting, and spreading fake news and bad mouthing Vietnamese brands (!!). Then complain why Vietnamese brands can’t grow or produce good products (!!!). Same for music and movies, always haters, then complain why Vietnam can’t produce good music.
Say they hate China but are against everything Chinese influence that is actually good for Vietnam, while watching repetitive Chinese dramas (that even the Chinese government has banned) and reading Chinese gay novels, and some are even supporting Chinese phone brands over Vietnamese ones (!!!)
2. 当卖东西的时候,越南人总是想以比竞争对手更低的价格卖出。但这会让每个人的价格都下降,每个人的利润都更低,尤其是当他们卖同样的东西时。我在泰国的时候,所有卖主的价格都差不多。没有人玩肮脏的把戏,降价到别人的一半。即使是出租车司机,他们赚钱的方式也是一致的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
4.Complain why infrastructure and big projects don’t get built fast, but refuse to move when the government compensates them. Even when the government pays them a lot of money plus give them a residence. Then complain why big projects cost so much money and so many delays because of land acquisition problem. “Giai phong mat bang”, the dreaded words. If all Vietnamese think for the big picture, Vietnam would be a much better place
5.Not accepting responsibility. Say it’s the government’s or other’s fault when it’s actually our fault. Honking on the street, littering everywhere, selling fake food, bribing traffic police, grabbing stool and running away from police when you’re not supposed to sell food on the pavement (then complain about why Vietnam is so messy, why so many vendors on pavement, no space to walk..)
6.Think everything foreigners say is right. Without questioning. Even when they wrongly criticize Vietnam.
Historically we have not been a very smart nation, actually too proud and stupid.
If we were smart history wouldn’t be what it was for us:
we should have opened up and learned from Western technology like what the Japanese did. Instead Vietnam closed off and became a hermit kingdom like China. Japan industrialized, while Vietnam became backward and could not fight against colonialism.
After Viernam war, we should have left the capitalist class of South Vietnam alone, instead of doing the capitalist purge.
After the Vietnam war, we shouldn’thave gone to war with China. Probably also stay out of Cambodia and focus on rebuilding the destroyed economy. We should have implemented Doi Moi and not planned economy at roughly the same time as the Chinese. This means we would have an extra decade of growth. Plus without the capitalist purge, South Vietnam’s companies and industries could have still stayed intact.
And now in the 21st century, we are still too short sighted to recognize our faults. I would say Vietnamese are not smart, we are cunning and sly. Qualities that although might seem to yield positive short term benefits, I don’t think they are positive for long term growth.

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