Angel Nowak
I can’t speak for others, only for myself. I’m a 55 year old, disabled woman, living on SSI and food stamps. After I pay my bills on the first, I’m lucky if I have $20 or $30 left, which usually goes for necessities like toilet paper, dish soap, shampoo and other such things.
I haven’t really bought any new clothes is 30 years. Occasionally, I will get something at Goodwill or a yard sale. I buy the cheapest bra I can find, and wear it until it falls apart. The cheapest $3-5 shoes at Walmart. I can never find shoes or bras at Goodwill or yard sales. (I need size 11 womens shoes, and a 48D bra, not easy to find.) My current shoes have lasted me 4 years now. They have holes in the bottom and toes, but I still wear them, because I can’t afford new ones right now.
New stuff is a luxury. Last time I bough a piece of furniture, it was a used loveseat I got for $25, nearly 20 years ago. No new pots or pans. No new dishes. No new electronics. I still have a PS2, one of the big ones, not the small ones you can sometimes find. My cell phone makes calls, and sends texts. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll get a smart phone before I die!
I’m reluctant to toss things out if I think I can use it for something else. A ripped sheet? If I can’t sew it, I’ll cut it up and use as cleaning rags, or a patch for something else, or I’ll make a pillow case with it. Empty jars can store other things in it. Soap slivers can be turned into liquid soap or mushed into a larger bar.
I’m careful when I shop. I always buy marked down stuff. I buy dented cans and damaged boxes. We have a salvage grocery that sells the stuff pretty cheap. When I buy meat, I always repackage it into smaller portions. Then I use meat as more of a side dish or accent, not the focus of the meal. Instead of pork chops with a side of rice, I cut a chop into small pieces and mix it into the rice with some veggies and spices.
Pretty much, if there is a way to reuse something, it gets reused. If I can stretch a meal, I will. It’s a careful balancing act.
I will add that non-homeless poor Americans have slowly increasing debt and no savings. They don’t have retirement savings, they don’t have a college fund for their kids, they have multiple credit cards that they are carrying balances and they buy cars and vacations using payment plans. Sometimes, they have a mortgage and they are making the payments on time. If they paid off their home (which is often old and in not so great shape), they may be easily tempted to tap into that equity with a new loan.
Often, being a non-homeless poor person is a balancing act: borrowing from Peter to make just enough of a payment to Paul to get Paul off their back for the next month, searching high and low for new ways to get a few hundred dollars in credit and depositing payments in the mail on the exact day so the creditor will post it just before a late payment is due but late enough so a deposit has as much time as possible to clear.
They work all the time to break even, never getting ahead. Or they don’t work and just scrape by on whatever charity or government assistance comes in.
John Garner
I know some that live a quite comfortable life. They own their own home. They get social security retirement benefits plus their work retirement payment each month. If married, both get two retirement checks per month. They may not drive around a Bentley, but they do quite well.
Allison Dang
I have a whole bunch of techniques I acquired from my parents, who grew up during the Great Depression—saving most everything for re-use, shopping at thrift stores or wholesale outlets, wearing “hand-me-down” garments, learning to do and make things rather than paying people to do them or buying ready made, etc.
My mom used to say it was a good thing I was a “Starving Student” for so long because it prepared me for being a “Starving Musician”.
But now I’ve discovered that because I try to help other people, other people help me. Lots of people have given me clothes, food, furniture, plants, masks; offered advice or help with tasks, repairs, problems; recommended me for jobs, told me about opportunities so if I didn’t need them myself, I could pass the word along to others. I like to think we take care of each other. So if someone needs something they don’t have, I try to give it or refer them to someone else who can help. We barter and trade and give.

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