Balaji Viswanathan
In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to a nearly bankrupt Apple. Years of poor decisions took them to a near death. This picture culminates their ultimate humiliation. Here, Steve stands small before the big beaming screen of Bill Gates who threw in a pocket change ($150m) to keep his old rival alive. Look at the body language of both. There was a time Bill Gates used to wait in the office to get a sighting of Steve Jobs. Things reversed.
Steve Jobs must have been fuming even while biting his teeth and ego to accept that gift from Bill Gates. Despite his company being a fraction of Microsoft’s and other companies, he knew he will come back. Because, he created that part of the industry.
In some sense, that is how upper middle/upper class Indians see of ourselves.
For 90% of human history, we have been the world’s top economy. 4000 years ago had the world’s largest civilization — Indus Valley Civilization was bigger than the other 3 Bronze age civilizations put together. It had superior city planning and standards. From 1000–500 BCE, we brought a range of religious and philosophical ideas. From about 300 to 700 CE, we created brilliant work in mathematics, physics etc that became the foundation for modern sciences as the Arabs brought the ideas to the western world. We created stunning work of literature — through Kalidasa, Valmiki and Vyasa. In 1400s, sailors in Europe would put their lives at stake to find a new route to India and get a chance to trade with that. We produced the most amount of food and the most amount of art.
However, in the past few centuries, a number of bad decisions and bad luck pushed us down from the pedestal. Capitalizing on our mistakes a few outsiders ruled the roost. In the past few decades, we have been reversing all that.
Like the Steve Jobs of the picture above, we were forced to smilingly accept the humiliation. In our minds, we know who we are, but for the world we are a small entity for now. We know we will come back to our old ranking and status sooner or later.
We are confident now because for 1000s of years we have figured out a way to lead the humanity in various aspects. While we have a lot of poverty and challenges now, we have improved substantially over the past 3 decades and we know what strength we have to tap into.
In a decade, we are expected to be the 3rd largest economy and as China’s population ages, India has a fair chance to become #1 in the next 40 years. Might look like a long time, but in the long arc of history this is nothing.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Snigdh Sinha
Balaji: it would be a much fairer comparison if some per capita metric is considered instead of total GDP without normalising it for population.
Ethan Griffin
Total economic wealth is a much better indicator of leverage on the world stage though. If Elon Musk started a country & he was the only resident they’d have a ridiculous per capita income — but no real hard power on the world stage.
Per capita is a great indicator for how wealthy any individual member of the society is (though median income is better) total GDP is better when comparing countries though.
不过,经济财富总量是衡量世界舞台上影响力的一个更好的指标。如果埃隆-马斯克建立了一个国家,并且他是唯一的居民,那么它的人均指标会高得离谱 - 但在世界舞台上并没有真正的硬实力。
Raj Siva
In a previous answer, Balaji mentioned that India"s GDP per square mile is comparable to America. So, we aren"t doing that badly.
Our main challenge is making every individual, more productive. For this we need to move people from agriculture to industry.
But people in many rural areas are reluctant to give up land, to setup industries, and rather want govt to keep subsidising their agriculture from urban tax money. Obviously, they don"t grow, and they pull down everyone else.

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